In Person Women’s Circle Offerings
Upcoming In-person Women Circle Dates January 10th
The Gift of Wholeness - The art of present moment being and non-Judgement in our seeing and listening
"Empathy has no script. There is no right way or wrong way to do it. It's simply listening, holding space, withholding judgement, emotionally connecting, and communicating that incredibly healing message of "you are not alone'" - Brene Brown
This month in our women's circle we are honing the two very important skills of seeing and listening. The quality with which we witness those around us determines whether someone feels safe or guarded in our presence. One of the most powerful gifts we can give to another is just to fully and completely be with them. In our circle meeting this month we will practice three exercises that allow us to not only witness, but reflect upon our witnessing of those around us. A main aspect of any circle experience is that we give those around us the gift of really seeing us; which is very vulnerable and can feel scary. Conversely, the circle gives us an opportunity to give to those around us the incredible gift of really seeing another - which means seeing another in her complete and utter wholeness. This gift when given makes others feel safe and has incredible potential to really empower our sisters. This is, after all, a main goal in our coming together, to empower one another.
Alan Cohen speaks directly to what pure seeing looks like. "A friend is someone who knows your song and sings it to you when you have forgotten it. Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made or dark images you hold about yourself. They remember your beauty when you feel ugly; your wholeness when you are broken; your innocence when you feel guilty; and your purpose when you are confused. [They hold the ability to see your own wholeness until you simply remember it] " Alan Cohen
Here are some suggested practices for preparing for the circle and what to bring: This month you might begin to sit with these four reflective questions: 1) Am I present to myself in my daily life? 2) How am I seeing those around me throughout my day? 3) Where am I at in terms of judging those around me? 4) Do I see others as whole or as needing help? Gabrielle Bernstein has an excellent book, Judgement Detox, that addresses the ways in which we judge others, including ourselves, and may not even realize that we are doing it. For the night of the circle feel free to wear comfortable clothing. Bring an item for the altar that represents your own wholeness. Bring a journal and a pen. Bring a friend.
Warmly, Rebecca
Women's Transformational Winter Program (Virtual) January 13 - April 7th 2025 (Twelve-Weeks)
Registration for our Winter Women's Circle Program is now open! Early bird pricing for the program will run through January 3rd. The twelve week program begins the second week of January, 2025 and will run for 12 weeks (Dates listed on the registration page). In order to ensure the intimacy of the group, space is limited. If you are not able to secure a spot for our Winter program, we can place you on the waitlist for our twelve-week Fall program starting September, 2025.